...more photos of Caitlyn

These are pictures at the same place roughly around the same time.  The difference with these is I had a little fun with colors, cropping, and all sorts of other things. 

This was taken in front of a barn in the shade.  I boosted the colors way up, tilted the picture and cropped a lot.  I was using a 200mm zoom so I got in as far as I could and there was still a lot of background needing removal.  

This was taken at a building that is suppose to resemble an old train station.  This was in a walkway between two buildings.  Again, I was zoomed in pretty far, but still had a lot of background needing removal.  I cropped the photo and boosted the vibrance and saturation WAY up.  I also increased the contrast, fill light, and exposure. 

This was taken at the same park, but in a different play area my wife found after our first visit.  She was sitting on the play set just about to go down the slide and I managed to get this one.  This has been cropped, the fill light and exposure have been increased.  I also boosted the black levels in an attempt to make things pop.

I really like this one.  Same play area as the previous, but this time in a swing.  I took, probably, 25 - 30 shots and this is the only one that came out with her smiling, and nothing distracting in the background.  I boosted the color, the exposure, added a vignette, and increased the black levels. 

I went crazy with this one, maybe even overboard, but that is what I was going for ;).  I was trying to boost the colors as much as possible, but still maintain a proper skin tone.  I also added a vignette.  Note... The sky is actually gray dingy clouds.  The colors were boosted so much it pulled out some blue tones.  I really like this one.  Too bad we couldn't get one with her looking at the camera.  Apparently the ducks were way more interesting.

This one wasn't edited all that much, but I had to raise the temp in order to get rid of some of the blue from the overcast skies.  I like this one because I managed to get the ducks in the background. 


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